Conferencia Projecto e-Maria, 2-Julho, 9h
Risk Assessment Saves Lives
A Soroptimist International é uma associação de mulheres de diversas profissões, que desenvolve projectos de serviço em benefício de Mulheres e Meninas em 125 países e em PORTUGAL desde 1985. Como uma organização não governamental, a SI com estatuto consultativo junto das Nações Unidas e do Conselho da Europa.
As Soroptimistas trabalham a favor das Mulheres e Meninas para
1. Educar para a liderança
2. Capacitar para a igualdade de oportunidades económicas e a autonomia financeira
3. Eliminar a violência de género
4. Promover o acesso a cuidados de saúde e melhores condições de vida
5. Melhorar o ambiente e promover a sustentabilidade
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European Manual for Risk Assessment in the Field of Domestic Violence
The Manual on Risk Assessment is meant to provide guidance to support the practice of professionals, with special focus on law enforcement, legal practitioners and frontline professionals, as well as other professionals that intervene directly with women and children survivors of violence. It also intends to contribute to their intervention processes in order to build a common language, embrace and reinforce common principles of intervention on risk assessment and management.
The Manual is composed by six chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction – highlights the project context and describes the concept and principles that are the manual follows;
Chapter 2: Women Human Rights Context – provides an overview of women human rights landmark documents, work and progress with specific reference to violence against women;
Chapter 3: Risk Language – gives an overview of intimate partner violence, risk definitions and dynamics as well as basic assumptions of the intervention in this field;
Chapter 4: Risk Assessment – offers practical tools for understanding myths, indicators, methods, procedures and professionals roles;
Chapter 5: Risk Management – outlines the intervention process, safety plans, multi-agency approach and information-sharing;
Chapter 6: Community Networks – includes the construction of a coordinated and integrated response on IPV.
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