In conjunction with Women's History Month, the WIN women's networking group unveiled its inaugural WIN Reading List. The theme for 2010 is "Writing Women Into History," and books selected were written within the past year by or about women who inspire us -- ranging from heroic women of the past and present, women who have overcome oppression to create opportunity, and current and future business leaders who have made an impact in the workplace.
The WIN Writing Women Into History Reading List:
Half The Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.
How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life by Joanna Barsh, Geoffrey Lewis, Susie Cranston
Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts
The Money Makers by Anne-Marie Fink
Mulberry Child by Jian Ping
What's Next, Gen X? by Tamara Erickson
15 junho 2010
Conferência "Da Cozinha no Feminino", 17-Junho, 18h

Tema: ” Da cozinha no feminino: espaços, práticas e textos”
Data: 17-Junho-2010, 18hoo
Local: sala 3 do Edifício ID da FCSH/UNL, Av. Berna, Lisboa
Manuela Barbosa é investigadora especialista em lacticínios,. e autora do livro "Queijos Portugueses"
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